Enjoy using our News Cycle activities with learners? Or just curious about what we do? In this webinar you can take an exclusive peek at how we make our weekly resources and take away practical ideas to develop children’s thinking. What you will learn: A behind-the-scenes-look at our editorial process: […]
Agora 2020
It was half past nine on a Friday morning. Over 700 students from schools across the UK watched a timer tick down. They were moments away from the first of several breaking news bulletins to be broadcast into their classroom. Agora, an immersive live experience from The Economist Educational Foundation, […]
Free webinar on how to help students make sense of the news
Make up for lost talk: how to help students discuss the news Explore practical ideas to get students back on track with their speaking and listening, with a particular focus on how to discuss current affairs. What you will learn: Classroom-ready activities to help students make sense of what’s happening in […]