Enjoy using our News Cycle activities with learners? Or just curious about what we do? In this webinar you can take an exclusive peek at how we make our weekly resources and take away practical ideas to develop children’s thinking.

What you will learn:
- A behind-the-scenes-look at our editorial process: how teachers, journalists and fact checkers combine to make our weekly resources
- Easy ways to boost critical thinking, used every week in News Cycle
- Tricks of the trade to develop speaking and listening skills with children
Finding ways to engage learners with current affairs can be a challenge. Now more than ever, it’s vital that young people have the opportunity to develop their news literacy. In this webinar you’ll pick up strategies to help learners understand and have their say about the issues affecting their lives. You’ll learn how to get the most from our weekly News Cycle activities and take away versatile ideas to engage children with the news wherever they are: from the classroom, to car journeys to kitchen tables.
This webinar is perfect for:
- Teachers of students aged 9-16 looking for tried-and-tested classroom ideas that can be used again and again
- Home-educators keen to bring world events into their curriculum
- Parents eager to help their children make sense of the news