
Your generous support allows The Economist Educational Foundation to give children the skills to thrive in our complex and polarised world

If you have any difficulty making a donation via this page, please get in touch with the team at [email protected].

How your donation helps

Your generous support enables The Economist Educational Foundation to:

  • Develop and distribute Topical Talk resources to teachers in 100+ countries
  • Empower children with essential critical-thinking and communication skills through engaging discussions about news
  • Host the world’s biggest news festival for young people
  • Support teachers in leading inspiring discussions that teach students to think critically, listen effectively, speak clearly and understand the world
  • Help children make up to 7 times more progress than their peers in creativity, problem-solving, listening with an open mind, and speaking with confidence
  • Provide opportunities for children to engage with the issues shaping their lives and communities
A group of students excitedly explaining their ideas to a teacher

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