During this time of unprecedented challenge and change, we are dedicated to supporting teachers, parents and young people to access high-quality learning resources about the news.
Weekly resources for at-home learning
We’ll be sending out weekly resources, via a new ‘Thinking through the news’ bulletin, which can be used at home by children learning on their own, or guided by a parent. This will contain a mixture of adapted resources from our archive and new tasks to engage critical thinking skills and spark interesting conversations at home. Teachers can sign up, and send these resources home, and parents can sign up to receive them directly. You can sign up to it here.
Connecting a community of young people online
Our Core programme, the Burnet News Club, links up young people all around the UK to learn about and discuss current affairs issues. We’ll be continuing to produce teacher-led resources for those who are still attending school. We’ll also create student-led versions of the activities which BNC students can do at home. The BNC Hub is a way for young people to connect and converse in a safe space and we’ll be building even more learning opportunities for the hundreds of students who log in every week. We’re also opening up our Burnet News Club weekly competitions via social media, and welcome parents to post their children’s responses back.